Local Council Guide for Hiring a Skip Bin
For many of us hiring a skip bin is easy and straight forward – the skip can be placed on our driveway or front yard. But many people may not have a driveway or front yard to have the skip bin placed on, or there may be height restrictions – whatever the reason, there is good news. You can apply to have the skip bin placed on the council property (whether it be the nature strip, footpath, or road). Different councils have different rules and regulations, some charge for the permit and some don’t, and they all require different periods of time between the date of application, and the date of the skip arriving.
All councils however will need the following information when applying for a permit:
- Exact dates of when the skip bin will be on their property
- Detailed plans of where the skip will be placed
- Copy of your / skip bin company’s public liability insurance
Here are the links to apply for a skip bin permit to be put on council property:
City of Port Adelaide Enfield
$25 charge for skip bin permit application. Allow at least 8 days in advance to apply for your permit. Skip bin permit for this council
City of Salisbury
Application fee is $62 for placing the skip in a residential location, or $512 for commercial or industrial locations. You must allow at least 4 working days for the approval of your application before having the skip delivered. For this council, a skip bin permit is called a ‘hoarding permit’, and you’ll need to lodge a Hoarding Permit Application in advance.
City of Tea Tree Gully
Application fee for up to 4 cubic metres is $35 per bin. Over 4 cubic metres is $45. Giving the council less than 5 days notice will mean paying more for the application – $70 per bin. You can apply online on their Permits page.
City of Playford
Applications are free! You will however need to apply for the permit 2 weeks in advance. Applications can be made via their online form, or you can pick up a form in person from the City of Playford offices.
City of Adelaide
Cost to apply for a permit for under 10 cubic metre skips is $64 per week (or part thereof). Applications must be made at least 2 working days in advance of proposed arrival of bin. The permit comes under the ‘City Works Permit’. Applications can be made via their online form, making sure you check the correct box ‘Industrial bins / shipping containers / mini skip’.
City of Charles Sturt
To have a skip bin on City of Charles Sturt council land you have to apply for a skip bin / shipping container permit. Costs involved are a non refundable application fee of $35 for skip bins of 4 cubic metres or less. This includes the 1st 3 days of the permit / hire, additional days are charged at $15 per day. 5 cubic metre bins or more are charged at $45 for the first 3 days, then $15 per each additional day.
Minimum requirements are that permits should be applied for at least 5 working days before the proposed skip hire date. If possible, its advised that a longer time frame should be allowed in case of any delays in the permit process. To make an application, here is the link to the application form.
Campbelltown City Council
Applications to have a skip bin placed on council property are free. You must apply for council permission at least 7 days in advance of the arrival of the bin. Applications can be made via their online form.
City of Norwood, Payneham & St Peters
The fee to apply for a skip bin permit is $62, that covers you for up to 1 week. There is no indication on their website on how much notice they need to process the application. To access the application form, click here, then click on the ‘skip bin’ link in the list of permits.
City of Burnside
Application fees are $40 for up to 14 days, applying more than 3 working days in advance. If applying less than 3 working days in advance, the fee is $55. Extensions to the initial 14 day cover are $20 per week. The application form is found under the heading ‘Development & Planning’, and clicking on ‘Deposit a Miniskip or container on council land’. To get to the permits page click here.
City of Prospect
The City of Prospect council requires applications to be made for the skip bin permit at least 3 working days in advance. The fee is $25, and the maximum period of time the skip can remain there is 4 days. They also state that the biggest size skip bin they will approve is a 3 cubic metre skip bin. They may approve larger bins if the area is deemed safe by a safety officer. Here is the application form link.
Town of Walkerville
The application fee to apply for having a skip bin on council property is $50 for up to 14 days. How much notice they require to process the skip bin application is not stated. The application form can be found here.
City of West Torrens
Skip bin permit applications are $70 for the City of West Torrens council. Applications need to made approx 3 weeks in advance of the skip bin delivery as they can take 2 to 3 weeks to process. Click here for the permits page, you’ll then need to click on ‘Temporary placement of containers on public roads and footpaths PDF’ to download the application form.
City of Holdfast Bay
Skip bin permit applications are $59 for the first day, and $22 for each day after that. They require a minimum of 2 working days prior to the skip bin delivery date for processing the permit application.
City of Marion
Skip bin permit applications are $59 for the first day, and $22 for each day after that. They require a minimum of 2 working days prior to the skip bin delivery date for processing the permit application.